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What is GPU time?
Updated over a week ago

Midjourney plans come with minutes or hours of Fast GPU time, which is a measure of computer processing time. This is not the same as the amount of real time you spend working with Midjourney.

An average Midjourney job takes about 1 GPU minute to make, but this can vary based on job type (initial prompts, variations, upscales) and specific parameters (such as model version and aspect ratio).

When your job finishes, the amount of GPU time it took to generate is deducted from your available Fast time (unless you're using Relax or Turbo Mode). Only processing time for completed jobs is counted โ€” any time your job might spend in the queue isn't deducted from your Fast GPU time, and jobs that error don't cost any GPU time. Time you spend logged into Discord or the website isn't counted against your available GPU time.

Since each job costs Fast GPU time separately, you may use your available time faster than you expect if you're creating multiple jobs concurrently.

Find full details about GPU time, including information about the differences between Fast, Relax, and Turbo Modes, in our documentation here.

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