Midjourney is an open-by-default community. This means that every image can be found on the Explore page on midjourney.com, including images generated in private servers or direct messages with Midjourney Bot.
If you need to keep your images private, you can do so with Stealth Mode, which prevents your images from being seen by other users on the website. Stealth Mode is only available on the Pro and Mega Plans.
Stealth Mode images are still subject to the Community Guidelines.
Stealth Mode by itself only hides your images from the Explore page โ if you generate your images in a shared space in Discord or in Rooms on the website, other users in those spaces will be able to see your images. You can use Stealth Mode in direct messages with Midjourney Bot in Discord, a private Discord server, or on the Create page on midjourney.com to prevent other users from viewing them.